יום רביעי, 20 ביולי 2022

Trace Elements


Trace elements in health are the concentrations of some anions and cations in the body that are formed from minerals. Trace elements have a specific role in regulating various functions such as hormone production, growth, strength, and energy.

Essentials of Trace Elements

1. Trace elements are essential in the body, as they are an end product of metabolism, and if a person doesn't consume adequate amounts, symptoms may be experienced. Essential trace elements need to be found in food. They cannot be produced by the body alone and must be ingested by supplements or from foods like fruits.

2.These element requirements are different for each individual. There is no concrete figure for optimal intake, so it is essential to talk with your doctor about what is best for you and what can be done within your budget.

3. Traditionally, these elements are divided into two groups, macro and micro. Macro elements are often dissolved in the blood, promoting their movement through the bloodstream, which makes them readily available for use by all the body's cells. Macro elements include: calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium.

4. Microelements are small enough not to be readily exchanged between cells but are found throughout tissues and organs, such as cholesterol and other phospholipids such as Vitamin A. More than 90% of all trace elements are microelements.

6. These elements are essential for good health; they promote healthy cell development, help maintain healthy muscle tone, maintain normal blood and tissue color and support the fight against infections.

7. Trace elements regulate critical physiological functions, including fluid balance, blood pressure, and cardiovascular health. Minimum Recommended Daily Allowance for adults is 10 mg of elemental calcium and 6 to 10 mg of Vitamin D per day.

8. The main goal when choosing a trace element supplement is to ensure that it meets or exceeds the daily recommended requirements and provides a sufficient amount of the microelement the body needs to maintain healthy functioning while having ease of absorption both orally and via skin absorption with delivery systems such as soft gels, capsules or drops.

If you feel you have a deficiency, consult your doctor as it could be more severe than you think. Trace element deficiencies are often associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer, autoimmune diseases, and diabetes mellitus.

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