יום שלישי, 4 באפריל 2023

Learn about Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)


Next generation sequencing is a sequencing technology that is immensely parallel. It offers ultra high speed, scalability, and throughput. It is basically used to figure out the presence of order of nucleotides in specific regions of RNA or DNA, or in entire genomes. It involves four steps that helps in giving out proper results - isolation of nucleic acid, preparation of library, sequencing and clonal amplification and analysis of data. The advancement in technology has greatly helped in betterment of next generation sequencing (NGS) technology.


Microbiology Tests in NGS

The advancement in next generation sequencing technology has led to the adoption of the same in microbiology labs for clinical and public health. The adoption of NGS in their prevailing diagnostic cycle has led to further advancement of their tests and helps to give a clearer, more precise picture of their lab tests. It is essential to identify and characterize infection causing microorganisms. When the identification and characterization is done properly, it would ensure that the patient is successfully treated and recovers safely from the disease.

Molecular biology lab services and NGS

Nucleic acid extraction services are offered to derive reliable genomics data using DNA, RNA or nucleic acids. Basic pathological lab tests are not sufficient to come up with actual results, so the need of highly advanced technology is greatly felt. Over the years, laboratories using next generation sequencing have come up with clearer picture of diseases caused by microorganisms. When the result is accurate and clear, the treatment can be given properly.

Metagenomic NGS

When the NGS procedure is followed, a single genome is taken and split into several fragments to come up with a wide range of reads and sequences. A lot of time and efforts are given in order to come up with accurate results that would help make the research clear. The best thing about Metagenomic NGS is that it is a diagnostic method free from hypothesis.

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