יום שישי, 28 באפריל 2023

Whole Genome Sequencing - for creating a personalized treatment plan

Microbiological tests are the most crucial test that helps in determining the exact cause of the disease. This test is beneficial for people suffering from some kind of infectious disease. Whether the disease is caused by bacteria, viruses, algae or protozoa is identified through this test. It becomes easier for the doctors to treat the patients and effectiveness of the treatment is also improved.

Molecular biology lab services

Disease diagnosis has become simple, quick and effective with molecular biology lab services. It has revolutionized the way of detecting all kind of infectious diseases with timely and accurate diagnosis. The doctors can provide precise treatment of the patients without the risks of further transmission of the infection. This is a modern and less complex testing option that eliminates any delay of treatment as actual cause of infection is identified within a short span of time.

Whole Genome Sequencing

Whole genome sequencing is one of the most popular and effective testing method that is being increasingly used in the healthcare industry. It helps in identifying the genetic variations and analyzing the entire genomes which eventually helps in identifying the inherited disorder in individuals. This comprehensive method also characterizes the mutations that are responsible for cancer progression. Genomics research has been possible with collection of DNA sample and identifying the 3 billion nucleotides that are a part of human genome.

The reason why Whole Genome Sequencing can help patients to recover faster is because the doctor can easily decide the medication dosage based on the test results. They will also be able to develop a comprehensive and personalized treatment plan for the patients based on their genes. The test also identifies the non coding sequence of the DNA for making sure that recovery is quick in patient with the prescribed medicines.





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