יום שני, 27 בדצמבר 2021

The Importance of Working With Clean Rooms

Any type of scientific or medical endeavor requires a proper environment in which to work. We typically frame this around specific appliances. For example, a flow hood will help to reduce potential contaminants by using a directed airflow. But it's also important to keep in mind that these utilities exist within a larger environment. Likewise, sometimes work needs to be performed away from any type of active environmental manipulation. This is where clean rooms enter the picture.

The Importance of Working With Clean Rooms

Clean rooms are a way of building research on a foundation that automatically removes most sources of possible contamination. The importance of such an environment can't be overstated. This is especially true when working with microscopic items.

Working With Samples on a Microscopic Scale

The importance of clean rooms can be better understood with a simple example. Consider a case where we need to culture bacteria from a specific item. A standard flow hood might damage the initial sample that we're using by removing the very bacteria we want to culture. But if we tried to perform the operation in a normal environment we'd also face danger of contamination from environmental microorganisms. But what if we could ensure that potentially damaging particles were removed from the environment? That's the basis of a clean room environment.

A Closer Look at Clean Rooms

A clean room uses a special filtration system to remove particles in the air. This typically comes through either high efficiency or ultra low particle filtration. Which method is used depends on a person's particular needs.

In addition to the filters it's also important to use the right disinfectants, detergents and sporicides. This helps to destroy any potential contaminants before they have a chance to grow. Likewise, it removes additional matter that might otherwise serve as a growth medium for bacteria or fungal contaminants. When all of these parts come together as a whole it will provide a fully sterile environment.


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